As a charitable company, the Bradgate Education Partnership has both Members and Trustees.


Gill Hussey | Karen Lock | Liz Moore | Heidi Seary

Our Members are the Trust custodians and they ensure we operate within the scope given to us through the Articles of Association. Members attend Board meetings and contribute to the discussions.


Stephen Cotton | Dave Ellis | Adam Longley | Philippa Maffioli | Liz Moore | Rina Pancholi | Ed Tarelli | Peter Wardman | Gareth Nelmes

Our Trustees are both charity trustees and company directors, and the Board of Trustees manages the business of the academy trust.  Trustees hold the Chief Executive Officer and the other members of the executive team to account. The Board supports the Local Advisory Boards and acts as a conduit between the Trust and the Academies.

Chair of Trustees:  Stephen Cotton | Accounting Officer:  Gareth Nelmes

Both can be contacted via the Clerk to the Board at



Stephen Cotton | Liz Moore | Gareth Nelmes | Peter Wardman | Directors of Education

Finance, Audit & Risk

Adam Longley | Philippa Maffioli | Gareth Nelmes | Ed Tarelli | Chief Finance Officer

Property, Health & Safety

Dave Ellis | Philippa Maffioli | Gareth Nelmes | Rina Pancholi | Estates Manager

Workforce & Organisational Development

Liz Moore | Gareth Nelmes | Ed Tarelli | Peter Wardman | Director of HR

Local Advisory Boards in Trust schools

Local Advisory Boards