Local Advisory Boards (LABs) in trust schools work closely with the Board of Trustees (the Board) of the Multi Academy Trust. The LAB of each school comprises the Head Teacher together with parent and co-opted advisors. Potential advisors will satisfy the LAB that they have the requisite skills to effectively govern the school.
The Board of Trustees supports the Local Advisory Board in its ambition for the school to be outstanding at the earliest opportunity. The Board believes that trust schools take responsibility for their own decisions and wishes to enable and support the LAB in its role of local challenge and scrutiny.
The Board sets out a Governance Handbook, Scheme of Delegation and Terms of Reference for the Local Advisory Board. These documents provide the framework within which the LAB shall operate. The Trust Board will review the governance documents at least annually and amend as needed.
The Local Advisory Board for each school and the Trust Board all sign up to a Code of Conduct (NGA model) to ensure that honesty and integrity are at the heart of our governance. The Trust also lead termly meetings with all the LAB Chairs for the schools within the Trust, enabling all schools to give feedback to the Chair of Trust Board and the CEO.